Friday, March 14, 2008

Chasing Love (Original Song)


It's called... dumdumdumdum. Recording will be uploaded laytaaah.



I used to go right walking in

All wrong places

Screaming "Heads Up" searching for

All those faces

Staring right back at me

This messed-up world

Is filled with loneliness

Wrapping your hand to another

Grants your second guess

Needing someone to fill me


But my mind says


I should stop knock knocking on

Every door

This time around my heart 

Wasn't as ready as before

Stop tapping on 

Every window-oh

And if we must push through

We must be star-crossed lovers 

Trip and get scared

Until you run for cover

No, no, no, no, no

I'm gonna get by fine

Waiting in the lines

Taking it slow, slow, slow, slow, slow


I used to think that love

Is something you should find

Can't believe that it can tap 

And capture you from behind

I thought

"Who needs waiting?"

I thought I knew much better 

Than to sit around

Waiting for a lost love letter

That might bring us two together

But who's anticipating?


And my mind says


I should stop knock knocking on

Every door

This time around my heart 

Wasn't as ready as before

Stop tapping on 

Every window-oh

And if we must push through

We must be star-crossed lovers 

Trip and get scared

Until you run for cover

No, no, no, no, no

I'm gonna get by fine

Waiting in the lines

Taking it slow, slow, slow, slow, slow


And my dear, dear patience is a faithful friend

He tells me Good Love always waits around the bend

And I've been naive

So I believe him


I should stop knock knocking on

Every door

This time around my heart 

Wasn't as ready as before

Stop tapping on 

Every window-oh

And if we must push through

We must be star-crossed lovers 

Trip and get scared

Until you run for cover

No, no, no, no, no

I'm gonna get by fine

Waiting in the lines

Taking it slow, slow, slow, slow, slow

Taking it slow, slow, slow, slow, slow

WOOHOO. hope you like it. Or just leave it.

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

To Save The Planet

Here is Therese, typing this up, doing some MAJOR stalling.

Ugh, I am tired of all the schoolwork.

Yesternight, I did NOTHING. Like, NO-THING. I stalked, basically. And bummed. Slept for awhile. Played guitar like a sentimental fool. Slept some more. 
I did nothing productive, clearly not following the original plan.

I completely, honestly forgot that I had an ES long test and an English Autobiographical Account all for tomorrow. There are about 5 pages to be written and 100 plus plus plus pages to be read. Or drooled on. 

So I don't know, this entry isn't exactly making me any smarter right now. I still don't know the soil layers (and like I really really care) and I have NOTHING on TextEdit. I probably might not sleep, but this is entirely not because of the amount of things I have to do, but actually because of my excessive talent for stalling, really. I tend to think up of things to do just to avoid the really essential (cough) school-related stuff. 

Damn the distraction in this world. I just went in the library to get a stack of yellow paper when I just felt the urge to type something and waste more time. For some reason, I think I'm actually learning more when I'm writing lesson summaries in smooth yellow paper. Of course, rereading these said summaries does not necessarily follow the writing process. 
Actually, it almost never does follow.

Anyway, I shall be off and attend to my ES book.
The world needs more knowledgeable people who dream about Soil Texture Triangles every night, and Sir Araneta expects us to save the smocket-filled Ateneo atmosphere, and the rest of the world, while we're at it, so I've got to get reading.


Whatever happened to Captain Planet?

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dumb and Dumber-er

UGH, I'm feeling dummmmb.

I wish I could be smarter than I am now. 
I wish, I could talk about more relevant stuff other than weird, grade-schooly codenames and excessive girliness. Ugh, ugh, triple ugh.

I don't remember having whore-ish tendencies when I was in High School. I was practically as boring as a baerbecue stick, complete with lack of hormones and fuzzy emotions, ironically speaking. I mean, I never liked people that I don't know-know THIS much, I mean this is just insane, what I'm...doing. 

A distraction of some sort, for you.

A snippet from my Y!M (are you really supposed to put the exclamation point? kknoonecares) conversation with my kapits, Pojjjj.

POJ AND I, talking about my obviously smart choice to remain faithful to my network, SMART:

reese_0006: hardcore SMART


reese_0006: no tenksss


reese_0006: NO 

reese_0006: NO

reese_0006: smart will resurface

reese_0006: and rule the

reese_0006: network world

porj_pojee: WHATEVER TETE!

porj_pojee: IT WILL NOT!!

porj_pojee: GLOBE WILL.... ACTUALLY.... GLOBE IS....

porj_pojee: !!

reese_0006: HAHA

reese_0006: no

reese_0006: \NO

porj_pojee: )

reese_0006: NOOOO

reese_0006: super gaya gaya glober

reese_0006: i mean globe*


porj_pojee: =))

reese_0006: like, ever heard of ORIGINALITY?

reese_0006: ugh it's sick

reese_0006: haha

porj_pojee: HAHAHAHAHAH

porj_pojee: bitter!!!

reese_0006: smart is the better choice

porj_pojee: =))

porj_pojee: joke

reese_0006: smart has better signal

reese_0006: haha

reese_0006: =))

porj_pojee: whatever.

reese_0006: what are we fighting about? HAHA

I mean, really, t?


Haha, obviously, we don't have better things to do with our lives than argue about stuff that aren't supposed to be argued about. Or upon. Whichever.

SO! Lookie who got herself some Multi-colored Holgaaaa!

Many Many Many Maaaany Thanks To:

1) Gelabeefy Mun (~ put this on top of the n) oz, for getting the lomolove with me. We brought you to Eastwood after...4 fucking years!!!! Yayyys.
2) Marv Velascooooo, thank you vury vury much for driving and speaking some German stuff to keep us entertained.
3) Mr. Justin Philip Gooey/Gui, a.k.a. the little Freak of Lomo Nature, for evurything else.

My ES Lab test sucked ass. Like seriously, terribly sucked. UGGGGGH what is this WORLD? I am totally failing lab. This shameful, one-unit subject that is called LAB.

Screw Science. SCREW IIIIT.

And RANDOM: Can I just share?

I really, REALLY hate the word MEME.

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Sunday, March 09, 2008

To My Good Pimple

Aah, Good Pimple,

Why must you keep messing up my chin?

You are a scum.
A lousy old child of skippable biological processes. 

I hate the fact that you're untouchable. 
'Cause I know how annoyingly sensitive you can get.

I don't think you'd like to hear this, but truth to be told, no one ever needs you. 
Faces should be smooth and pretty, not blotchy and rough and embarrassingly red all over. 

So maybe 

You should just




Reesey Peasy

(Now obviously, you'd know I DON'T have a life because I talk to pimples instead of imaginary friends like normal people. It's a sad life.)

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The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Trophy

Las day of FUTSAL toda, and it had to end in one culminating activity.

Ugh, it sucks. Even if I eternally stink at Futsal, I never want to go to another PE next sem and the sem after that. I don't want to b e forcing myself every T-TH fir another one of those PE sessions that I never enjoy anyway. 

Futsal was reaaally really fun! I love our team, UGH. 
Even though Baby Pink didn't say FIERCE (Jake Dolosa!) as we would like, it's all good.

We won Best In Uniform! (Booyeah for the Pom Poms and the Facepaint na weird) And we won Third Place out of... Eight I thinks. Congratulations to everyone, especially Orange, Blue and Green YAYYYYY!

Hitched a ride with Pam and went to McDo until my driver came to pick me up. It was weird, feeling it all ending like that. I still haven't made a goal all throughout the sem (Yea, THIS is my level of suckyness) but I would like to learn more, and I'm sure I'll at least learn SOME things when given the chance and the time. It was the first time I actually enjoyed what I was doing in PE, and it's a shame to leave it at that: 400 curse words and zero goals.

We were definitely the noisiest team, screaming MUGA MUGA, WEDGIE and JOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEL...PINK! at the beginning of every game. We waved our little pom-poms in panic, support and excitement, we toyed with the ice in the cooler (YES WE HAVE A COOLER!) and ate bananas to calm our nerves. We cursed, or at least I did, jokingly at opponents who were making goals but still devoted our attention to our goalies and our positions and our little strategies. 

We didn't win first place but I think we were the happiest. We channeled the spirit of our home court by lying down on the floor and making (trying) cement angels all over. We huddled and prayed and screamed and cheered and took pictures of ourselves: we never let the pressure get to us. And as we received the bronze trophy, everyone was screaming and clapping and took turns fake kissing the trophy while everyone looked cute and a random stranger took the shot.

The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Trophy. Haha. It's Karen's trophy now, but in no time it will be Alyssa's, then mine, then Best Goalkeeper Michiko's. It goes on. I don't know how faithfully we'll be able to follow this silly excuse for us to see each other again even through trophy passing in Sec Walk or the caf, but I'm still ultimately happy, just because.

I'm glad we don't mind being noisy and I'm glad we formed some kind of bond through Tuesday and Thursday mornings of early ball-kicking. Hopefully, there'll be other nice classmates in my future PE classes that aren't catty and bitchy and are as silly and as friendly as my Futsal mates, but honestly, there's always gonna be one BABY PINK team (and this is against our will) that totally, totally kicks both balls (the soccer one), and asses. 




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Friday, March 07, 2008

A Boy And A Bullet

BULLLLLLET BOOOOYYYY! Happy 18th my deaaaaar!!! 

I had SO much fun, gooooooodness ME. Photobooth HOGGING, unlimited pictures with Phyl, Nicole, Nikki, Ellie, Maan, Jamie, Paula, Angel and Shari. UUUGH, I love it. MALUHO SI BULLET! MALUHO! 

Pictures to come if I find the urge to post them. 

And since Ken said iintayin daw niya tong blog post na ito, here: Some funny moment in Sec Walk involving Essence and ONE BENCH... HAHAHAHA yun lang e no? Super katamad na ikwento, masyadong fun yung debut ni Bullet. I lalalove E7iteeeee! Or Eli7eeeeee! Or WHUTEVAAAAAR.

P.S. It feels so nice to be out on a Friday night. Today so feels like a Saturday and it's super exciting to think that I still have two more days of freedom. HAH! 

Next stop: Kar's debut ;)

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let's go
back, back, back

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in memory of my old blog

it's still lost there somewhere in cyberspace

do take a visit.

oh yes, thanks to nicki for the loverly html-ing. all hail :))

omigesh i want one too!
omigesh i want one too!

do scream here
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previous posts
~ Chasing Love (Original Song)
~ To Save The Planet
~ Dumb and Dumber-er
~ To My Good Pimple
~ The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Trophy
~ A Boy And A Bullet
~ I Feel Unloved
~ Single, Ready To Mingle?
~ Fuego
~ Stupid Americans
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008

random reads
my Deviant Art account: where photography is humdrum
my multiply: click for weirdness
lemony snicket: my hero
roald dahl: twisted
dr. seuss: for those who dare eat green eggs and ham
amazon: life's just like one
wikipedia: where you find everything.

crazy cousins
ate meg: adventure diva
ate che: misyoo

suckish schoolmates (kidding :))
ces: katotong hudas
koko: psycho
trixie: confused
kar: gossip girl mate :))
nikki: the white witch
paula: # 1 DJ
ella: great thoughts
via: THE dancer
poj: kapits! :))
aiafafs: YA astig? :))

gem: gottalovedogs
danica: kitty witty?
krista: *yaya?*
nicki: html goddess
alex: the ultimate GENIUS
jescia: in LOVE
cha: bulang-guguuuuu!
joan: ee
frances: olan
phyl: reech keed?
yna: ahoho
danie: superrr
lori: nator
marion: busmate!
ate nica: harmoNICa (?)

some teachers
ate min: banaag '05
sir trogo: trogi the pogi
miss jennie jo: juniper

freako friends
ace: ex-shsian
odi: lonsquared
tar: ness
kuya rics: mr. pang-asar
CJ: virus ka
mara: kapits 2

YA Astig
dannie: delandanners
noel: rarr!!!
mica: woah no
louise: surfer girl
elyse: the great
anjo: anti-social?
theia: HMM?
paolo: lindt lover daaaw
ate marion : super dancer
angel: pedo! :)) joke
josef: boy genius :))

face it, sucko.

i'm the hero of fools.

all quoted.

"The sad truth is that the truth is sad."

"It's amazing how people are always willing to listen to a man in a funny costume"

"People don't always get what they deserve in this world"

"You can not be a supermodel."

"I'm beginning to think that washing my face is a complete waste of time"

"Most women would rather be Cindy Crawford than Marie Curie"

"The world is a harum scarum place."

"If a guy is witty, charming and artistic, he is probably gay."

"Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaraunt, filled with odd waiters who bring you items you never asked for and don't always like."

"In relationships, it is best to assume nothing."

"Not only am I very intelligent, but I am also very smart."

"Hey, I heard your friend died"


"Well, don't feel bad. He's an old guy, and that's what old guys do. They DIE."

"Certain things they should stay the way they are.You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone. I know it's impossible but it's too bad anyway."

"I remember how, a couple of days ago, you and I killed a couple of hours with a computer game. Perhaps the game amused me more than it did you; I desperately needed a little respite from all my thoughts. But each time we 'died' in that game, a new screen immediately came up, and we were off again. How can we know that there isn't a 'new screen' for our souls as well? I don't think there is, I really don't. But the dream of something unlikely has its own special name. We call it hope."

blasto fasto. congratulations, reader, you've clicked the scroll button long enough to have reached the part that nobody dares to reach. now buzz off.

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