Monday, April 30, 2007
the oblivious, the ugly, and the unattractive
I wonder why some people are completely oblivious to their ugliness. I wonder why most unattractive people think there's nothing wrong with them- physically, mentally, emotionally and all the other ly- aspects. I wonder why somehow, despite their imperfection overload, they seem to snag people they can link arms with at some fancy party or formal ball. I wonder how they do it. Did God make up for creating accidentally unattractive people by adding to them a spoonful of extra charm? Or, did God just happen to put two unattractive people together so they won't mind about their own unattractiveness-or each other's? Do unattractive people necessarily have to be more confident than the others? More annoying? Less sensitive to the point that they don’t go away when you desperately want to drive them away already?
I wonder why there are unattractive people. Is the world never really satisfied? Does the world set a standard for attractiveness? Is there an invisible line that divides the attractive from the unattractive? Are there semi attractive and semi unattractive people stepping on their toes inside that line?
I wonder why some attractive people could bear looking at unattractive people. And I also wonder how unattractive people could bear being with attractive people. I wonder why most off springs produced by the sexual relationship of one attractive parent and another unattractive parent turn out to be more attractive than the attractive- or the unattractive parent- could ever be.
I wonder why some things could be more attractive than some people. Isn’t a human being supposed to be the most attractive of all? I wonder how God feels about attractive people feeling sorry for the unattractive ones. And I also wonder how God feels when the unattractive people feel sorry for their own kind. I wonder if unattractiveness is a basis of friendship. Do the number of friends you have state your attractiveness to the world? Is the absence of friends caused by unattractiveness? Or, does the absence of friends make one unattractive?
I wonder if ugliness is synonymous to unattractiveness. I wonder, is ugliness, or unattractiveness, or both, all that matters to the world. I wonder if the people who seem to be oblivious of their ugliness or unattractiveness aren’t really oblivious at all. Are they just trying to be strong for the other unattractives? Are they trying to let the attractive know that their unattractiveness does not shake them? I wonder if it is true- if unattractiveness really does not make one less of a person. And I also wonder if it isn’t- does unattractiveness make an unattractive sad and lonely and low? Does unattractiveness destroy the only thing they try hold on to? Does it destruct their very soul? Their attractive soul hidden in an unattractive body? The soul we refused to see behind all unattractiveness? Does the world hate unattractiveness? Does the world need unattractiveness? Do we need unattractiveness? Do we see unattractivness? Do we know unattractiveness?
I wonder why some people are completely oblivious to their ugliness- or unattractiveness. I wonder, if it means the same thing. Or if it means nothing at all. I wonder what will happen if the whole world is oblivious to unattractiveness. As I wonder as well if the world was not. Is it a choice made by the attractive? To be oblivious to the presence of unattractiveness? Is it a choice made by the unattractive? To be oblivious to the awareness of the attractive?
I wonder why some people are oblivious to their ugliness.
And I wonder, as I wonder about all these things to ponder about- am I one of the oblivious?
Are you?
Devious and Twisted,
Therese.Labels: ugly

killed a random reader @ 9:12 PM
Thursday, April 26, 2007
nudity budity
Well, we watched Equus, alright. we were supposed to sell the tickets we had- the good good tickets we had (with good seats) because we kind of forgot that there's a sister involved- my sister, who was just turned eleven. and of course, who wants to see nudity at eleven?
We prayed for somebody to buy the tickets, but as we waited and waited in front of Gielgud theatre, everyone entering already had tickets. I felt like a scalper of some sort. haha. so we didn't (sell it, i mean) and ended up watching it.
It was Daniel Radcliffe who played Alan Strang so I guess it was worth the money. Haha. Of course, at the 'forbidden scene', Mom asked us to close our eyes and bow our heads (kind of like the blessing part at the mass ceremony) haha.
but i saw his ass though. it was... white. =)) what a statement. but it was, though! and that's all i ever saw. (dangit) - kidding. haha
And we were supposed to watch Wicked as well, but we went shopping instead.
Well, only fools would trade a West End experience for shopping- I guess were fools, then.
And and and- we went back to Paris from London by train to go to Disneyland! Oh wow. My sister and my mom lost their earrings in Space Mountain. My sister got hers back after the next batch of people (after us) came back from the ride. Even after a number of 360 degrees turns, it still didn't fall out from the seat! (it being the earrings)
Newton's Law of whatever, I guess, right?
I didn't expect Disneyland Paris to be so small compared to some other Disneyland theme parks. It was a bit overwhelming to see a lot of Disney characters again- definitely a shock to see Captain Hook dancing with Gepetto and stuff. It was fun though. My sister couldnt quite recover from her first roller coaster ride with the full turns and all. We had a few laughs.
So, we're home! I have more than 16 books from wherever parts of Europe- mostly from London- but we couldn't bring them with us so it had to go to the box. the box which shall come in two months. Oh the wait is terrible. How many things dear have I left behind there. Hah Hah. Whatever.
The only thing I regret, despite quite a few Hollywood encounters, is that I never got to see Rupert Grint. A fantasy is a fantasy but I still hoped for it. Hey, if I could see Dan, why not Rupert? Aah, hope. Hope hope hope. Such a bad and sad enemy sometimes.
Couldn't say much except that I had a laugh when I saw a Meet and Greet Spiderman poster in Megamall on our way home. Probably some mascot or whatever. While I got the chance to meet the real thing. What privileg. What thrill.
I brag.
To those who might get envious.
Devious and twisted,
An Exceprt from an Ode. To Anonymous.
What you are
You’re a faker
Who denies
All the lies
That you made
And who you are,
You’re a letdown
Turn around
Let me slap you
On your ivory face
And I know
That we’re better than
What you think you are right now
Bet you got a bit scared for a while
I just wish on your precious smile
Be gone
Edited for obvious reasons. The real extended one's much much harsher.
I wish you all the best. NOT!

killed a random reader @ 4:55 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
starstruck over Spiderman
Excerpt from my email to Ms. Patrice Amon:
I know you hate Peter Parker a.k.a. Tobey Maguire (is that how you spell it?) haha but when we were on the way home from Buckingham palace wherever that is I dont know where exactly, we stopped by dun sa Spiderman 3 premiere and guess fucking what?
I GOT TO SHAKE THE HANDS OF TOBEY AND KIRSTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SAW THEM, I FUCKING TOUCHED THEM! It's so surreal, Kirsten was soo soo soo soo pretty and her dress was lovely. All the pictures I took are messed up because it was in zoom and my hands were shaking in anticipation. I couldnt get their autographs because they were quite busy with the shaking of the hands thing. But this girl standing beside me happened to be a Filipina and we exchanged email addresses and she promised to send me the pics she took (which were so good and clear parang magazine photos and close up pa) so I hope she really does send them because she seemed so eager and whatever. I HOPE. but still mom got a video a really good one of Tobey (feeling close at this point) because I was in the front row and Mom was behind me. Grabe. I just emailed this because. wala lang. it's great! I met a celebrity. Hollywoody! And Kirsten Dunst! She was absolutely pretty! I was so starstruck. haha.
Denice refuses to wash her hands, she got to shake Tobey's hand for a very long time kasi bata siya. HAHA. I refuse to wash mine too! Pictures to come kasi di ko dala yung connector ko.
I bought a Harry Potter bookmark! 2 faced so si Ron yung isa. YEHEY! hahaha. Still haven't met the Grint. Still. But will. I hope.
Gotta go. Will get back to you later because I have to eat! Korfball is it? It sounds sosyal. HAHAHAHA
Well, that's what you are. ;)
Therese Grint! (Still)
I still need to see Rupert.
Cheers to starstrucky-ness and pure luck.
Devious and Twisted,

killed a random reader @ 4:44 AM
Monday, April 23, 2007
I missed summer camp and I'm still sulking about it.
I AM STILL SULKING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No cheers.
Devious and Twisted and Sort of depressed,
PS: Dont tell me how great it is. Just dont, because I know it. Just. Dont.

killed a random reader @ 3:17 PM
Saturday, April 21, 2007
emotion baby lotion
because i miss it here.
actually, there.
- I didnt eat anything the whole thirteen hour plane ride to Amsterdam.
- Italian, French and Brit boys are so lovely. They all are so lovely.
- I watched Extreme Makeover: Home Edition in the plane and I cried. Wailed. Moaned and sobbed and sniffed. Major iyak talaga and anyone who might have seen me might have either just laughed at me or cried with me. Total sobfest. And I havent cried over a movie/tv show since Ive watched Windstruck. Its the episode of the african American family who has 7 children. One boy kid and fucking sixtuplets! HAHA sixtuplets. Whatever you call the twins times 3.I only know up to quintuplets. And they all fucking survived. ALL FUCKING SURVIVED! And I cried the whole time, I really did.
- I got lovely Emily Strange shoes! Unbelievably cool.
- I missed summer camp!
- I met Rupert Grint! In my fantasies but still hoping on it
- Patrice emailed me and I typed a long reply (and you had to know this because...?)
- I need Lemony Snicket
- I NEED Fully Booked
- Even though I bought a few books here
- I miss rice
- I miss talking to Andrea
- I miss Patty and Andrea sleepovers
- I miss OTH and DVD marathons
- I miss PGMA (HAH wth)
- I miss Manila
- I miss American Idol
- I miss Chris Richardson
- I miss my old self
but im having so much fun.
Devious and Twisted,

killed a random reader @ 1:45 PM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
summer camp is tomorrow and im effing missing it! still not over the regret stage. updating just for the sake of it.
this keyboard im using here is so messed up- the keys are not placed where theyre supposed to be. the a and q is interchanged, the m is in the second row, the z in the first and i have to constantly look at the keyboard to get the typing right.
im rushing this because this effing french receptionist is telling le to get off the computer because its supposed to be fifteen ,inutes per person only.
if yu couldve at least spent some decent euros for a standard keyboard then we'd all be okay.
in Paris now, almost at the end of our tour and heading back to london oping to be able to watch Equus or something and hoping to see Rupert Grint along the way. So many false hopes for this foolish girl. i loved Switzerland.
i hope the spirit of the campers take over me for the next four days.
i hated the plane ride- the whole thirteen hours i tried not to puke. i didnt eat a thing. i hate the food here. i want to go home but i love the sights. im so homesick
have to go. will be home in a week or so.
CSI French version is on the telly and i cant understand a thing

killed a random reader @ 5:00 AM
Saturday, April 07, 2007
FIRST OFF; my lovely Crusty Belly Buttons poem
Snapple wines
Giraffes and swines
And crusty belly buttons
Parking fines
And iron mines
And tasty gourmet muttons
Tangled vines
And weird jawlines
And very fancy futons
Sidewalk lines
Trigonometric sines
And crusty belly buttons
Big waistlines
Green Frankensteins
And a pack of angry gluttons
Edsa shrines
And lucky nines
And ten crunchy little croutons
Frayed hemlines
Evergreen pines
And veelas from Beauxbatons
All porcupines,
Drooling canines
Love crusty belly buttons
will be away until the 29th of April.
We're going to Europe! YAY!
end of excitement.
that's tomorrow!
at least we got to attend Ligaya's Lent Preparation thing.
but the trip makes me so excited and sad at the same time.
1) YA SUMMER CAMP!!!! :(( - aia told me we were assigned sa snacks table. OMG sayang. sayang. btw, today's the last day i'll ever see aia again! but i promised her we'll visit her in NJ and we'll go Disneyland-ing the whole week, all by ourselves!
2) UP MUSIC CLASSES - bye, Concerto in A minor
3) ALEX AND JOJO'S BIRTHDAY 'BASH' - Kite flying and picnic, GAWD, i can't believe i'm missing this
4) UP ART WORKSHOP - i SO want this
5) UP TALENT TEST - whatever
6) DRIVING LESSONS - sadness
7) POTTERY - postpone postpone
I hope we have a safe trip. I hope that you hope so too. and i hope the trip will make up for everything i'll be missing.
Devious and Twisted,

killed a random reader @ 10:46 PM
Monday, April 02, 2007
It's official:
One Tree Hill Talk.
actually, my hatred towards Karen Roe is just like my hatred towards Joan Cusack. I mean, they have the same undetermined annoyance facor which [isses me off. I hate Karen Roe!!! I HATE MOIRA KELLY! Whoever! I hate her! and she got to snag Andy Hargrove, wth!!!
Anyway, I love Chris Keller-Tyler Hilton. LOVE! LOVE! in a weird way. I love his voice, HIS VOICE!!!!! dammit!!! <3
I wish I was one of the OTH extras. HAAAY.
Nothing much to say, and the things I want to, I;ve already forgotten, so I'll just be sharing you my thoughts- on whatever and whatever. And NO you can't quote me. HAHA!
Thoughts on Graduation:
"Have you ever known something your whole life that you cannot even imagine living without it?
This one day marks your growth- it hands you a ticket to escape everything you've known and loved since forever, and at one point in your life, you have to leave familiarity and slowly walk away. With that, you seem to be forgetting everything you've tried to remember- all the memories that you've tried to make little so they'd fit in your crammed head and heart.
You're leaving them all of a sudden, and living your life obliviously unaware, you never even saw it coming."
Thoughts on Solitude and Pretense:
"Upstairs beyond that 'unnecessity' is a place I've created all on my own. It's where I talk to someone great and pretend to know love. As unknown waters rise to a cloud; a steam, I am the great pretender- hidden, unheard, unfelt. In one way or another, it fulfills me. I get to create things I haven't ever felt in my life, and I get to taste the lives of the boxed-up drama that has always stayed in my heart. Behind the frosted glass, I get to feel that I'm somehow part of their world, too. And, that they're also part of mine."
Thoughts on Like and Love:
"This is a love note for you which I have no plans of sending, but it's a great deal of fun pretending I'm talking to you. TYhis is one of the craziest things I've ever done in my life, but I don't mind being crazy, making crazy, doing crazy- if it's for you.
I promise I like you. I hope I could see you, and you could see me with your beautiful, translucent eyer. You don't have to like me. Just meet my gaze.
It's enough to make my heart melt.
Make me happy, someday soon."
Thoughts on Life:
"Sometimes, life is just one big blur, like the static things you get at one bloody channel of the television. Blacks and whites and greys clash together, and that crinkly sound of emptiness and disorder envelopes you and gets into your head. You find yourself scared, but staring and listening like there's nothing else left to do. You become controlled as the awry nothingness attracts you like your troubles have. But sometimes, one forgets that we hold the right buttons in our hands. We just have to snap out of that trance and change the channel."
Thought on School:
"I hate the restriction shrouding and surrounding this institution of upturned noses and high regard. Leaders walk around with rule books and tape measures, ticking off all your offenses and measuring uniform lenghts. They highlight each violation, underline it, italicize it, turn it into bold and enlarge it to the nth power as if it is the biggest deal in the world. They throw their accusations around like they think they could. They watch with a watchful eye to humiliate. They stand upright and proud after yelling their brains out. And yet, they only made us hate them more. They only made us swear to never let our future daughters step foot on that ground ever.
They still haven't made a difference."
Thoughts on Regret:
"You know when one day, you really like someone and you feel all giddy and happy and jittery and silly all day, then you suddenly wake up in sheer contempt and puke at just the thought of him? Some laugh, some cry, and some would rather forget, but everything that seemed to matter the most before gets put behind, at the back of our minds as we hope that the memory of it might never haunt us, ever again.
Maybe it's just how life is suppposed to be- full of disgust and ugliness, regret and loneliness. And somewhere in between that, we've got to learn to live with them."
I have more, but they're sort of private-ish. HAHAHA
it's here again.
Twisted and Devious,
P.S.- LITHP- get it? HAHAHAHA. well i think it's funny.Labels: personal quotes

killed a random reader @ 5:27 PM