Monday, November 13, 2006

stuff schmuff

I've just discovered that I only have about 2 posts per month.

I think it's fugly. And upsetting.

When I was still on Modblog, I remember I had to update my blog everyday. It's like an abnormal routine I had to follow, you know? Of course, I had to make even the crappiest days sound like enjoyable roller coaster rides to save people from utter boredom.

I realize that I had to blame it all on the stress HS brings. I mean, I can't blame myself. Even if I'm worthy of the blame.

It's just that the great big heap of "Things To Do" keeps piling itself up again the minute I accomplish one seemingly Herculean task. School never seems to run out of stuff to throw at us, you know? And now that the school fair's coming up, meetings will be filling my late afternoons. Instead of being able to go home early, I'll now be seen in school spending after dismissal time with a paper and pen, trying to squeeze the last of my "creative" juices to come up with something grand and un-crappy.

The only upside of which is the honor of being part of those groups "in charge" itself, like the creative group of the Performing Arts clubs (we're doing a show, or at least something, for the fair), and also the freakin Band-Aid Committee!!!!! (squee)

I thank God for letting those people in charge of picking the committee members pick M-E. Looking back, I just applied because there was really nothing to lose. I knew that my odds of getting chosen were like one to a million, since I'm not really the scholarly type (and the scholarly types get all the opportunities in the world) but I just had to try. And seeing my name on that glorious list posted on the SAP bulletin board was wow. God, I hope I could handle the responsibility.

Anyway, it's just such a relief that we're halfway through the school year. I know, I can't believe it myself. It's all happening too quickly, but quick is good, right? Especially if you're awaiting something greater to come.

So, A recap of the stuff I’ve been up to. And more.

Stuff no. 1- Test results. Good news to me, I haven't failed any tests this quarter. Hurray hurrah whatever.

Stuff no. 2- Phyl's black and white themed birthday bash. Phyl, I still loved your party. Loved the food and the free chocolates. Oooooh. Sumakit lalamunan ko kinabukasan :)). I loved the "cards" night. That was a laugh. Happy birthday biaaaaatch.

Stuff no. 3- YA Cross Training. I'm now officially a Junior… (what do you call it again?) server but not quite. Wow. I feel like a grown-up now. Not! Haha.

Stuff no. 4- Got 2 new books yesterday from FB (Fully Booked). I'm starting to become an FB fan all over again. Before civilization, I used to be a true blue NBS fan. Then FB came along and I completely abandoned the crowd infested NBS. I found my home for quite awhile in FB, until I switched to PB (Powerbooks) where books are a bit cheaper but the place a whole lot better than National. But then I'm starting to go back to FB love, ever since they released The Beatrice Letters first. Haha.
So I got 2 books last week and 2 books this week. Have finished the 2 last week, and I'm still finishing the book I got as a birthday gift before I start on the new ones. Yay. Book love indeed.

Stuff no. 5- PA club performance this fair. We were all completely bummed about the fact that they cancelled another "Spotlight"–ish performance of the PA clubs this fair when it was such a success last year. But we've been informed that they’re bringing it back, only not as a concert but as a- ulk – a variety show.
How sick is that?
But I'm still glad that we’re given the opportunity. We're just going to have to work on what we're given and try to, as Tim Gunn would say, "make it work"

Stuff no. 6- Neighborhood fundraiser for Christ the King parish thing last Saturday. It was really fun actually. Father Jerry Orbos celebrated the mass, and the whole neighborhood was outside and was gathered there in our parish! (well, almost the whole neighborhood). No matter if the tickets cost 500 pesos each (expensive, I know) but it’s for the rebuilding of the SVD church anyway. 600+ tickets were sold! Yay! I had fun with my village friends while watching the kiddos and the oldies perform on stage. Fun. The buffet dinner was also okay. The food wasn’t really, but the fact that the whole village was gathered there for one great cause is really overwhelming- and enjoyable. I love our neighborhood. Haha! (did I make sense?)

Stuff no. 7- House marathons. I forgot to mention this, my ever so loved thing to do during sembreak was to just watch my House dvds. I'm still not done with season 2! Rarr. This is probably because I’m not a very good "season watcher". After four or five episodes, I stop and do something else entirely, then try to resume but then finish like 2 episodes and that’s it for the day. So I have multiple, short marathons all the time :))

Stuff no. 8- I consumed all my birthday money. Well, it wasn’t much, but I spent it all
On, of course, you guessed it, books. And a kick ass planner, hah! I finally got something I’ve been wanting since last year. But still… I miss my birthday money. I actually don't understand why my mom won’t just let me use my credit card for my purchases. But of course I won't pay for it. There’s just no way. I just want to sign receipts here and there and so I won't have to hand in crisp bills all the time, you know? But as if. I reckon I’ll never take hold of that credit card ever in my entire life. (well that's an exaggeration, but I assume the worst to avoid future disappointment) That's my personal philosophy. And Ces's too.
Anyway, can't wait till Christmas!

Stuff no. 9- I'm bribing my sister to finish ASOUE (Unfortunate Events). Seriously. I engage in this dramatic monologue saying that if she does finish the series, it will be a dream come true for me. Hah. As if. But I want her to finish the series, maybe partly because I want her to be obsessed with Snicket as I am. And I also would weird or whatever. Frankly, she didn't seem to get my ultimate love for reading books (and my mom’s too). I'm doing a pretty good job so far, by the way.

Stuff no. 10-
Tango practical test. OMG. The heels literally murdered my feet. My poor, poor feet. Imagine, our class had to dance in high freakin heels!! (Well, half of our class, at least, because the rest were boys). As I walked, I looked like a newly circumcised boy, really. So imagine how silly I looked.

For all those lucky boys out there, heels are hell, I'm telling you. I think I'd rather at least try to be happy with the fact that I'm not so blessed in the height department than give my feet numerous blisters they don't deserve anyway.

So back to the Tango practical test.
Well, our group got second highest in the class. (woohoo)
Practically the whole world knows about my inadequate, barely there, dancing abilities (if you could still call it an ability even if it's non-existent), and despite that fact, we still managed to pull it off. Well, we kind of owe our grade to our two resident dancer group mates, so I can't be too proud still.

Okay, so I know this seems to be a lot of "stuff" already, but I swear I know I've forgotten quite a lot of stuff still. I'll promise to update you though!

I apologize for the seemingly senseless recap. I know you'd rather clip the toenails of goat (if ever t hey had toenails)


Devious and Twisted,


PS: I personally think Manny P. will lose to Erik Morales this Nov 19. Zeeryooslee. I'm worried that Manny P. might come into the ring a little too overconfident this time. But I still support Manny of course. And given that what I say usually goes against the things that's going to happen (meaning zero psychic abilities), I confidently restate that I think Manny P. will lose in the third "battle". Otherwise, I'd just keep my mouth shut.

And for the record, I say "Manny P." because I don't know how to spell his last name. Go ahead and laugh now.

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killed a random reader @ 6:27 PM

3 hits for a bad entry || hit me on the head?

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Posing just to share a random random poem.

(written last night)

When your fate is sealed with one last tear
When all the world is yours to miss
When in the darkness, you dwell in fear
With the verdict said like one traitor's kiss

Will the whole world stop and mourn till no 'morrow?
Will they flood the banks with their cries unfulfilling?
Will they stab you at the back in your own sad sorrow?
While their echoing laughter becomes the cause of the killing

When everything laid out seems all too incomplete
And turning back seems to be wretchedly hard
Walk aimlessly, wander and scream in defeat
Then lie silently down and await your reward

For alas, what is life with its unending pain
Without the sweet reassurance in eternity's cloud?
In the end of the run you claim your share of the gain
And thereafter, perhaps make a noble soul proud

How truly sweet is death, you shall now come to know
To rely not on those once tragic visitors of before
Take your most gracious bow to end your fool's show
For death is to die and to wake no more

(the last line is like a bad reconstruction of Shakespeare. haha)

SEMBREAK'S almost done!!!! nooooo. the horror!!!


Devious and Twisted,


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killed a random reader @ 11:17 AM

2 hits for a bad entry || hit me on the head?

let's go
back, back, back

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in memory of my old blog

it's still lost there somewhere in cyberspace

do take a visit.

oh yes, thanks to nicki for the loverly html-ing. all hail :))

omigesh i want one too!
omigesh i want one too!

do scream here
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previous posts
~ Chasing Love (Original Song)
~ To Save The Planet
~ Dumb and Dumber-er
~ To My Good Pimple
~ The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Trophy
~ A Boy And A Bullet
~ I Feel Unloved
~ Single, Ready To Mingle?
~ Fuego
~ Stupid Americans
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008

random reads
my Deviant Art account: where photography is humdrum
my multiply: click for weirdness
lemony snicket: my hero
roald dahl: twisted
dr. seuss: for those who dare eat green eggs and ham
amazon: life's just like one
wikipedia: where you find everything.

crazy cousins
ate meg: adventure diva
ate che: misyoo

suckish schoolmates (kidding :))
ces: katotong hudas
koko: psycho
trixie: confused
kar: gossip girl mate :))
nikki: the white witch
paula: # 1 DJ
ella: great thoughts
via: THE dancer
poj: kapits! :))
aiafafs: YA astig? :))

gem: gottalovedogs
danica: kitty witty?
krista: *yaya?*
nicki: html goddess
alex: the ultimate GENIUS
jescia: in LOVE
cha: bulang-guguuuuu!
joan: ee
frances: olan
phyl: reech keed?
yna: ahoho
danie: superrr
lori: nator
marion: busmate!
ate nica: harmoNICa (?)

some teachers
ate min: banaag '05
sir trogo: trogi the pogi
miss jennie jo: juniper

freako friends
ace: ex-shsian
odi: lonsquared
tar: ness
kuya rics: mr. pang-asar
CJ: virus ka
mara: kapits 2

YA Astig
dannie: delandanners
noel: rarr!!!
mica: woah no
louise: surfer girl
elyse: the great
anjo: anti-social?
theia: HMM?
paolo: lindt lover daaaw
ate marion : super dancer
angel: pedo! :)) joke
josef: boy genius :))

face it, sucko.

i'm the hero of fools.

all quoted.

"The sad truth is that the truth is sad."

"It's amazing how people are always willing to listen to a man in a funny costume"

"People don't always get what they deserve in this world"

"You can not be a supermodel."

"I'm beginning to think that washing my face is a complete waste of time"

"Most women would rather be Cindy Crawford than Marie Curie"

"The world is a harum scarum place."

"If a guy is witty, charming and artistic, he is probably gay."

"Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaraunt, filled with odd waiters who bring you items you never asked for and don't always like."

"In relationships, it is best to assume nothing."

"Not only am I very intelligent, but I am also very smart."

"Hey, I heard your friend died"


"Well, don't feel bad. He's an old guy, and that's what old guys do. They DIE."

"Certain things they should stay the way they are.You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone. I know it's impossible but it's too bad anyway."

"I remember how, a couple of days ago, you and I killed a couple of hours with a computer game. Perhaps the game amused me more than it did you; I desperately needed a little respite from all my thoughts. But each time we 'died' in that game, a new screen immediately came up, and we were off again. How can we know that there isn't a 'new screen' for our souls as well? I don't think there is, I really don't. But the dream of something unlikely has its own special name. We call it hope."

blasto fasto. congratulations, reader, you've clicked the scroll button long enough to have reached the part that nobody dares to reach. now buzz off.

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